Monday, October 16, 2006

Sunday Nights

Well, Sunday nights for the last four weeks (according to Dad Mike) have been a tiny little feast in front of the tube enjoying Desperate Housewives, while the dads tap away at their laptops sometimes, drowning the sorrow that they have to return to work the next day with a yummy spread of goodies from Trader Joes and Whole Foods...Check out the pic! Sweet! Last week Dad made banana bread and topped it with a cream cheese frosting and fresh raspberries. There was baked brie with mushrooms, apricot stilton, and...hungry yet? But this week also there were slices of beef stick and cheese and crackers! Which, of course, while the boys were in the kitchen out making tea, I helped myself to a slice or two of beef stick from the buffet on the coffee table! How could I resists my meats?? I was caught, but again, it was well worth it.


Blogger Mags said...

Beef sticks? Were those just for you, or has Daddy Mike fallen off the wagon again?

If I ever come to Boston to visit y'all, may I request that there be some baked brie and stilton involved. :)

12:40 PM  

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